Turbulence Pullover
Deciding that making a short-sleeved version of the Turbulence Pullover would be fun, I embarked on changing little bits of the pattern as gracefully as I could. First, I used a divine bamboo/cotton blend yarn in a very luminous purple - six balls of Valley Yarns bamboo from www.yarn.com. It is soft and silky. The bits of bamboo fiber are darker than the cotton, so that when you look closely at this yarn, it is not solid. It tends to split very easily, so I do not recommend using pointy needles. I am lazy, so I translated the pattern to work the bottom in the round, and split the top into the two seperate sections. I added waist shaping, but not quite enough. I also should have worked the set in sleeves, but lack of motivation won again, and I just picked up the stitches - which made this shirt look a tad strange. Now that I am done with it, I love the way it feels against my skin. I am not even sure that it will need to be blocked, although I may do this tomorrow.
I am trying to think of a way to make the phyllo yoked pullover much smaller, and almost completely in the round..I think I could split the two pieces when the pattern needs it...could anyone help me with this?