Thursday, June 29, 2006

A finished project.

Oh, even after that basalt tank fiasco, I picked up the book again.
I thought this droplet hat would be a great transition back into it...

The pattern seems to work out fine...and it only took a couple of days to knit.
Yarn: Jo Sharp Silkroad Tweed.
Pattern: Droplet Hat from Knitting Nature.
Adjustments: I added a little row gauge must have been off. So I didn't end up making the last set of bobbles. I think the three bobbles up the side of the droplet looks just fine. I also forgot to do the ribbing twisted at the rim of the hat...oh well.

The way Norah does the bobbles is a great technique to learn. It's like cabling without a cable needle...less work for bobbles. Give it a try, even if you don't make the hat.

Tags: Droplet Hat


At 8:52 AM, Blogger jillian said...

So cute!!


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