Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bamboo Basalt!

I think I learned a lot by turning this tank into a dress. And I will be able modify the pattern so much in the future, that it will be completely mine. This one however, due to the stitch pattern is very much so an homage to Nora Gaughan.

I would change the upper half hex into a triangle if I make this again, and the upper whole back hex into a pentagon.

This was fun!

The yarn is 100% bamboo yarn just under 4 balls at 250yards purchased from the yarn girls at The Yarn Girls are great to buy yarn from and have excellent customer service. They are having a labor day sale and I recommend this for anyone who wants beautiful unusual yarn for less than retail.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Wow- this is gorgeous! What a great idea!

  2. Wauw! That is SUCH a great dress!

  3. Speechless, my mouth completely dropped open on this one! What wonderful work you have here! Nora will be thrilled to see what you have done, I am so sure!!!!!

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Under certain conditions, one of which is the sleeping state, the balance of power between the two procedures is so changed that what is repressed can no longer be kept back.. One never may be sure of himself.. Truly he had a grave time that first winter.. True to the instruction she has received from him, her lips part in the musical utterance (the Colonel lowered his voice in a faint falsetto, presumably in fond imitation of his fair client),'Kerree!' Instantly the night became resonant with the impassioned reply (the Colonel here lifted his voice in stentorian tones), 'Kerrow.. What do you say?' I told him that I had not the slightest idea of selling my spectacles.. That's what maw said, too, and of course your knowing him will make it all the easier for you, said the young woman.. He never smiled, he never frowned, he never changed his voice from the gentle-flowing key to which he tuned his initial sentence, he never betrayed the slightest suspicion of enthusiasm; but all through the interminable narrative there ran a vein of impressive earnestness and sincerity, which showed me plainly that, so far from his imagining that there was anything ridiculous or funny about his story, he regarded it as a really important matter, and admired its two heroes as men of transcendent genius in finesse.. Having seen myself, I was compelled to see others, properly to understand my relations to them.. There's the rattan in the corner: I'll bring it to you myself.. This will then be followed by irregular motor manifestations until one of these withdraws the apparatus from perception and at the same time from pain, but on the reappearance of the perception this manifestation will immediately repeat itself (perhaps as a movement of flight) until the perception has again disappeared.. Why, the Major wanted to know, could they not be filed and paid in a lump sum at some convenient period--say when the Anecdotes and Reminiscences had been published and paid for? Miss Lydia would calmly go on with her sewing and say, We'll pay as we go as long as the money lasts, and then perhaps they'll have to lump it.. We cannot therefore doubt that these thoughts originate from our normal mental life.. We sat under a trellis covered with a grapevine that had borne no grapes in the memory of man.. He made me and himself a great many good friends, some of whom I did not afterwards recognize as quickly as Dennis did my parishioners.. Dear me, how annoying, said the blonde matron, but the brunette matron still stared, without the slightest trace of interest in anything else, at the infinitesimal spot she had selected on the affronting window-shade.. Indeed, being of that type which is called shiftless, he was only too happy to be told daily what to do, and to be charged not to be forthputting or in any way original in his discharge of that duty.. And---- (Here Simon Wheeler heard his name called from the front yard, and got up to see what was wanted.. I suppose, said Mrs. Why is his way of spelling like the floor of an oven? Because it is under bread.. The Major stepped to the door and called: Lydie, dear, will you come? Miss Lydia, looking quite grown up and a little worried, came in from her room...

  5. Fabulous. Any chance of sharing the modifications with the rest of the class? ;)

  6. Sorry - forgot to post my Email address (brouhaha at rogers dot com)

  7. The mods are VERY simple. Just make the normal top, but turn the two side hex's into pentagons by adding fewer sides to them. This will add a bit of waist shaping without making smaller hexagons. If you do this correctly, the two pentagons on the side will have touching points. The hexagons should fit very nicely into them. I am a very small person, so I did not need to make many hexagons at the bottom.

  8. Thanks very much, Crystal. It looks fantastic and what a great idea. I'm small too (although I think larger than you from the photo) and so it doesn't seem like all that extra effort. Now to buy more Hempathy... LOL

    You really should work on designing your own dress - you have a great eye!

  9. Congratulations! This is a fantastic dress and fits you perfectly!

  10. OOOHHHH!! I like A LOT!!!!

  11. That's spectacular!

  12. Absolut fantastic! Congratulations to this great job you did with this dress.

  13. i knit a basalt dress too! but actually it is more of a tunic length, not sure yet if i'll add more hexagons to it eventually. i'm enjoying wearing it with pants. :) pictures on my blog at Come see it!
