Saturday, April 14, 2007

I think he likes it!

i think he likes it!

I gave my brother the Reflection Aran Pullover today. We had a short modeling stint:

my brother should be a model 2

my brother should be a model

I also gave him a book that has all my blog posts on the Reflection Aran Pullover, a set of rules that need to be obeyed (they're posted on my blog), a copy of the celebratory email I sent to my family and a ridiculous photo of the sweater on a body pillow I've got with his head photoshopped on. I hoped it would let him appreciate it more. Only time will tell...

Tales of a Hand-knit sweater


  1. Now that is a work of art! Congratulations!

  2. Great fit, cute model... and what an awesome idea for the booklet! This post encapsulates so many of the wonderful things that knitting can be: the challenge, the trial and error learning process, the finished work of art, and the bond between those who give and receive. Lovely. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. yeah, now if only i could get the kid to actually read the booklet!

  4. wow... love it (and your brother, whose kind of a cutie!) nice match with his eyes...

    What are your rules? The only one I've tried to enforce with my laboriously knit sweater for my boyfriend is-----try not to stretch the d*** thing when you put it on!

    He pulls it over his head like a gorrilla trying to box his way out of a Teva Durham handknit....

  5. Beautiful sweater. Great site. Stop by and visit us sometime. Http://

  6. Great job! And the color suits your brother very well. Is he single? :)

  7. The sweater is gorgeous -- and your booklet is an awesome idea! You put so much hard work and perseverance into the whole project. There's no way your brother could overlook that (even if, horrors, he never actually reads the whole booklet). Great job!

  8. Sweater Rules can be found here

    Sorry to disappoint, but he's been dating the same gal for about four years now. He actually picked the color, so way to go for him.

    And yes, I'd definitely call it perseverence!
