Hi Folks, I just joined the KAL after buying the book. After going back and forth, not being able to decide between so many beautiful projects, I decided to begin with the Spiral Scarf, and I have a question about the cast on.
It says to cast on using a "tail method" so that the tail can be used for casting on later hexagons and picking up stitches. But does this mean that you just have to leave a long tail for later pick ups, or do you have to do the long-tail cast on for the first one as well?
I just started the first hexagon with a knitted cast on and left a long-enough tail for picking up stitches for the next one, but thought I'd check with you all here. Could someone who's made this, or anybody who has the book look over the instructions and clarify it for me?
Pictures once I've done a couple of hexagons!
Hi, you use the tail cast on technique in the Bubble Pullover, which I am making. I am a little flumoxed by it, to be honest. I understand the logic of it, but in several of my hexagons, the tail is on the wrong side, and I can't use it to cast on the next hex. I'm not worrying about it too much to be honest, even though correctly using this technique would probably mean less ends to weave in.